Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Unnatural Popularity!

hey everyone,
its weird but only recently I found out that I have a few more readers than just my buddy Kamran and my girl.
Well there's this other person, Shoikot bhaiya, Naila's immediate elder brother, who got to read my blog a few days back. She apparently had the blog address in her explorer address and he was just going through it and all of a sudden, got into it. He read most of the entries apparently and understood that I have had over two broken relationships already. Good thing is Naila is aware of that. And she told him off in a rather strategically sarcastic way.
But he was also a little taken aback by all my frustration and Naila did not have an answer for that. Well to tell you the truth, even I don't have an answer for that.
The other person who has been doing some reading is possibly this stranger called Sonia. I have no clue where she got my blog address from or how she even had the patience to go through all this crap. But still she wrote a really nice comment to all this and I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for doing so.
And last but not the least, my cunningly sarcastic, majorly-insulting, violently sadistic, temporarily sane, childhood buddy Mirza Mohiddin Ferdous. Okay, I know that does sound a little too interesting when I mention him like that but his nick name is RATUL, which also means RED. He was quite a blushing child and he used to blush at the slightest things even at the age of 20.I know most of you girls are going "AWWWWWWWWWW...!!!" but please don't regard him to be cute cause he himself thinks (more likely wishes) that he is rugged.
He is 24 now and has been married to one of the sweetest girls in the World, Faria Bari. She now has to call herself Faria Mirza, which is quite disastrous.
One important detail about Ratul which I recently learned is that even at the age of 24 and after obtaining so many degrees and the fact that he may have a kid calling him "Lal Baba" and stuff in about a year or two, he loves HARRY POTTER.
And not only Potter, his favorite character is DUMBLEDORE, whose death in the latest Potter series made him cry, wail and not have his meals for two days.He was always very melodramatic.
Well this is how I think he found out about my blog. He went to google to find out about things I have written, saw a nice little link with the words 'Tashfin' followed by 'blog' and did the Hermione dance to find out that he has stumbled upon my blog.
In his most recent emails Ratul vouched that he has grown a lot from the last time I had seen him. Believe me, he has grown a lot as far as width and height is concerned; he sincerely doesn't need to grow anymore. But then again, he was possibly talking about his maturity.
Well no comments on that. Cause a guy who can cry about Dumbledore's death and even speculate that Dumbledore may do a 'Gandalf' like in the 3rd episode of LOTR may still have some issues as far as maturity is concerned.
But then again, he is my buddy. I prefer him as immature, that way, the fun never stops.
He is due in Dhaka pretty soon. And I hope Insha'ALLAH it will be like the good old days, when I used to go over to his place for lunch mostly. He had to create this mountain of chicken, beef, fish curry and other items on my plate. Despite the fact, that I used to ask him to stop, he never did!
Also, it will be fun to hear him bitch about his family. This is one guy who can possibly make the death of a person sound funnier. For instance, He made a total mockery of his cousin running away from home, during which, he verbally abused his uncle and aunt (his youngest mama and mami) By the way, his mama's name is Farhad but guess what the name mutated into as soon as he landed in the US of A.... FRED!
Aah well, so that's more or less the development till now.
About office, Sabrina apu left DS a few days back and has joined Save the Children. City has lost big this time, cause she used to be one of the major contributors. But moreover, I guess now the elders like Mizan Bhai and Silverine will concentrate on some of us young guns more, Insha'ALLAH. Babu has also left DS and would be joining New Age soon.
I am a little mad at my buddy Salman. He is about to get married to Kakon next year. But I am happy about that.I am just mad that despite the fact that I have been his friend for a longer time than his newfound buddies, he prefers to help them over me.
I know I sound pathetic and selfish and very unlike me, but I guess I should express my bitterness from time to time. I guess I learned that from "Lal Baba"!
Oh yeah, something else, tomorrow, Insha'ALLAH, is our 1 year anniversary. Naila and I are both excited about this and Insha'ALLAH we will have 50 to 60 more anniversaries together. I bought the gifts for her yesterday. The courier has been sent over today.
I gave a good presentation on my MGT372 class today Alhamdulillah.
Been awfully busy lately. Have been writing for City, Tech and also RS. I have another piece due for SWM.
Oh yeah, on a sadder note, remember my buddy Naveed, the guy whose father passed away a few months back. Well just because East West Uni did not transfer all his credits, he is resorting to alcohol now. His reason : who can be more frustrated than I am right now?
All I can say about this guy, he was one of the best friends, Lal and I ever had. I guess that is how times change and friends drift away while others are made.
Like I always says, nothing is stable in life. But on the brighter side, think about this, you always get something else to support you with every single new mistake that you make or every single hurt that you get.
I would know....


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